Saturday, November 11, 2000

Hi Mandy... So good to hear from you... Enjoy reading.... It is kinda a lot of runon sentences... but that makes it a little more like life... doesn't it... HE HE>... Check back daily.... Or even sign up and do your own blogspot.... it's fun, productive, and helps clear the mind dust out of the old noggin... just some space to do your thinking with your fingers... L8TR

Friday, November 10, 2000

Here we are again... Isn't this special? I bet you'll never believe what's happening here again today?.?. IT'S RAINING..... Can you imagine.... 2 solid weeks without our skylite and I think it is affecting the mentality of all... It is true what I've heard over the past 30 some odd years, that man is affected by nature on levels that he isn't even aware of... Of course there is always the polite jest on the weather when one is in contact with fellow members of the species... and we joke about it... as I have done ie: old Noah there but, this is getting serious.... I can feel mood swings in myself that I am not prone to have and I must credit this to the cabin-fever feeling that the weather has induced... For those of you who have never experienced a Canadian winter, cabin fever sets in when you are deluged with massive quantities of snow that make driving, cooking, and often heating impossible... Some attributes of this form of madness set in after 2 or 3 days of being isolated in the same dwelling with family, friends, roommates...etc... To the point where homicide is a serious consideration... There is no thought of maiming, as you would only have to endure the constant moaning and slippery patches of bloodshed until the roads were clear enough to have them evacuated by medical personnel.... It is a totally mind altering experience, and one that I don't recommend for the faint of heart... but the same cloying claustrophobic feelings pervade when one has gone without the sun for too long as well... I fear I may go mad... Or imbibe too much... Or be short tempered with a love who doesn't deserve it and who may not have reached the same level of downright surliness yet... But, they, ( Whoever they are), are predicting more of the same over the next few days.... So one must cling to that final thread of humanity and sacrifice these primal urges for the good of all they come in contact with... But, oh, my brethern, it is getting hard.... Let's not dwell on the unchangeable... I hope this finds others in a better situation, and sunny days permiate your existence... The nectar of the Gods beckons strongly, and I must fight this urge with my very life... Must post again later... This will cleanse my soul for a time... Guten Tag....

Thursday, November 09, 2000

G'day All... And how did we prosper over the last 24 hours? Did anyone get lucky? I mean did anyone win the lottery. Get your collective minds out of the gutter. It's a new day full of potential. Potential for what I'm not sure, but potential none the less. Does anyone really understand how the U.S. voting system really works? I caught a few brief moments of a newsclip on the electing of a new megalomaniac to sit astride the tarnished stallion of democracy, aka Pres. of the U.S. The basis of the clip was that Bush had won, (That's actually the name of a beer in our southern neighbors list of options for refreshments, though it is spelled Busch), but Gore had won all 3 of the categories listed. Makes absolutely no sense to this former member of the BC. (That's British Commonwealth), give it time. Since our late headmaster, and social butterfly extrodinaire, P.E. Trudeau, declared our independance from the British Empire. Though Libby still graces our next-to-peso-in-value currency. Whatever. The only thing royal in this country is possibly the names of some sports franchises. The Blue Hairs,(a very disrespectful nod to our elder citizens of the female persuasion) still feel the need to salute the monarchy, and after all the back biting, infighting, and inbreeding they have had to watch over the last 133 years of this establishment we call Canada, we can grant them that little pacifier.
Snarky today, aren't I? I guess I'm not getting lucky enough. I mean I didn't win the stupid lottery last nite.
and my pro-line tickets failed me on the weekend too. American football will be my ruination I'm sure. If the devils' brew didn't kill me something must be lurking in the wings to claim my mortal soul. Now what could it be?
In todays news... It's raining.... Never saw that one coming did you? The blues are settling over the multitudes like a silent wave of toxic fumes enveloping them in sadness and dispair. I wonder if this will lead to a population explosion in 8 - 9 months? If so, I'm sure the rising suicide rate will help balance things out and keep us on an even keel. Pretty pictures I don't paint. Reality check.
On the brighter side, they're calling for a peek at the skylight tomorrow. I don't know if it will actually happen, but the potential (there's that word again) may bolster the spirits enough to aid our weary trek through another day. Using a borrowed line from an old and retired radio show that used to air on our local radio stations agricultural report I bid adieu for now. "Good day, and Good Farming".

Wednesday, November 08, 2000

Another day... Who won the US Presidential race? Who cares who won the US Presidential race? I thought so. You'll never believe what's happening here today!!! IT'S RAINING! Ha. I'm so predictable. Of course it's still raining. The preceding precipitation problem persists probably permanently. That was a bit of a struggle.
The last entry I posted there was my feeble attempt to be recognized by my poetic peers. I do have the rhyming rythm but I don't know what to do with it. I can spew that out like the proverbial geyser, but wether or not it's readable or relevant or can make me alot of money... Now that is the question.
To fellow members of my species, ( I refer to the intellectually gifted who actually actively participate in the goings-on around them), I have a question. What happened to the little train that could? When he actually did? He became just another footnote in inspirational pages, relegated to the back of some unknown publication much sought after by my fellow members of the Underacheivers Society. While he/she/it was making his/her/its' attempt at glory, he/she/it was the focus of millions of aspiring children, adults, entrepreneurs, and well wishers. But after the attempt proved successful, the collective watchers turned in dismay to seek new pioneers in the quest for greatness.
For this reason, I pronounce The Little Train That Could as the UnderAchievers Society, Underachiever of the Month.
This has the makings of a monthly feature. If anyone has examples of classic underachievers like the aforementioned, they can email them to me at If response dictates it, we can develope this into a daily or weekly feature with a grand ball and awards ceremony at the end of the year on an interplanetary shuttle to an ISS (International Space Station - don't worry, you'll catch on to my acronyms eventually) where we can invite all our alien friends (some of our current friends, I'm sure, may fit this catagory now).
'Till then, strive, struggle, attempt, and wholeheartedly try to drag your butt out of bed in the morning. That is the first step to success. If I sound too much like Tony Robbins, I sincerely apologize, (and shudder). CYA! ( See Ya). It'll happen. Trust me. Just hang in there. I mean catching on to my acronyms silly.

Tuesday, November 07, 2000
Hey, this blogging is great... Have I offended anyone yet? I'll try harder in future editions... Trust me...
All is well on the ole sandbar today (that would be here -->, other than the fact that we have a world wide warrant issued for Noah (of Ark fable) to get his butt in gear on a millenium edition floating palace for the socially placed or the connected few. Seems like the entire Hemisphere has decided to gather it's collective rain clouds and deposit their gatherings on this little region... Trying to cleanse us of our unspoken evils maybe? A reliable source close to the AM's office (that would be Atmosphere Manager, for you non-futuristic types) has informed me that we have received 3 (three) times the monthly allotment of precipitation in just 1 (one) week. How's that for parity? As long as the dingy is still inflatable and they keep the ecoli at bay(pardon the pun), we should survive long enough for it to freeze and destroy, alter, or otherwise undo, all the wonderful paving, (that would be tarmacking to the chosen few), and sidewalk installation they have accomplished in the last 6 months. Rain, Rain, go away, don't come back until you've altered your appearance into the white frosted version that stays with us and makes a wonderful picturesque Norman Rockwellish Christmas type thing happen. Now there's a take on an old rhyme you don't hear everyday. And you thought this was going to be just another blog. HA. Must leave for a time... Have to be colorful and flexible ( I paint houses, in case you were wondering) so I can maintain this voice to the world. Gotta pay for the power and ISP to have access to this thingy don't I? "Ya'll come back now ya hear?" - Borrowed from Jed aka Buddy Ebsen

Monday, November 06, 2000

Ah... Now I have some room to spread my phylosophical prose... Thank You Hannah... That MSN communities thing was really driving me round the bend... Welcome one and all.... The mind dust is clouding my vision today, so won't pontificate this time... but I'll BE BACK TOMORROW!!!!
this is a test post to check that all settings are ok - hannah