Wednesday, November 15, 2000

It's Wednesday. They, (still haven't figured out who they are) call it 'hump day'. Can anyone tell me exactly what this means? I know it supposedly refers to getting over the 'hump' of the work week and sliding into the weekend. But where did it originate? and Why? I think that even the most inept, unsophisticated, unaware, uninformed, clueless, and inadequate members of the workforce can figure out that once you get by Wednesday, the worst is supposedly over.
Rain, Rain, go away,
don't come back for the next 16,000 years. PLEASE!!!
My own take on an old rhyme.
I seem to be taking alot of liberties with other peoples stuff, don't I.
Oh well. That's what happens when the gray matter doesn't function of it's own accord. No inspiration or new ideas lurking in the back of the mental rolodex waiting to plunge into the verbiage of society.
Copying someone elses work, or words as the case may be, constitutes plagiarism, but I'm not fearful of lawsuits or charges of molestation of copyrighted material.
That's just the type of free spirit I really am. HA HA....
Will Post again later... CYA

Tuesday, November 14, 2000

This is getting redundant so I won't elaborate. You fill in the blanks IT'S _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ! There you go, I knew you could do it. Started another project today. In house renovations part 37. Drywall is such a wonderful hide-all, quick-fix. Don't you just love it?
All quiet on the Eastern front, to slaughter a beloved title. (Apologies to Erich Maria Remarque ).
No news is oft good news, so I hear. Though no news can also be quite boring. No gossip. No tales. No profound thoughts. No elaborations. There you have it. Tedium in a nutshell.
'Twas the nite before Christmas and all through the Isle
not a person was speaking or thinking the while
I looked on the roof and much to my chagrin
There was ole Santa, pissing down my chimney again.

Now that is what I call out in left field. Don't even know where that one came from.
Oh. Must share with you a passage from an in-progress novel
Only Forward by Michael Marshall Smith (Bantam Books 1994 - must give credit where credit is due)
Page 196
Author is impressing upon the reader his take on realtionships and how difficult it can be sometimes to get your point across.
"Like when you've split up with someone, and you try to communicate the way you feel, because you need to say the words, need to feel that somebody understands how pissed off and frightened you feel....
They'll never realize that someone who makes you feel bad may be the person you need most in the world.
... Metaphorically(my word)... You can send people letters, and show them photos, but they can never come to visit where you live.
Unless you love them. And then they can burn it down."
I thought that was great writing. An unrealized dream of mine as well. I seem to have alot of those. I think I have the ability to write like that and capture the essence of the thought. But, I often feel that my writing is too obscure, and my thoughts are too scattered to write a good story well.
I think if you've read any of my meanderings so far, you will agree.
I guess if I reach old age, that will be when I win my first pulitzer. Posthumously of course. That's my world. Enough for today. My project beckons.
"We shall write on the beaches, we shall write on the landing grounds, we shall write in the fields and in the streets, we shall write in the hills. We shall never surrender," . Another slaughter of a much beloved quote by a great leader and fantastic orator. And after he delivered that speech, which I so freely maligned, did you know what his next words were? "And we’ll fight them with the butt ends of broken beer bottles because that’s bloody well all we’ve got!" Regards Sir Winston!


Monday, November 13, 2000

I could elaborate, but I won't. It's still raining. This is 20 (twenty) days and counting. Calling for more of the same tomorrow and Wednesday too. How does this happen? Are we caught in an apocalyptic weather pattern, whereby we are inundated with moisture until the very END??? We shall see. The weekend was another repititious affair. Though I did have an experience at my "hobby/committment extrodinaire", that being first aid coverage at the local sports arena. I witnessed a clean center ice body check that would be on every one of Don Cherrys Rock 'em Sock 'em sports videos. Unfortunately for the recipient, my expertise was called into action as well. He was unconcious before he hit the ice. Ow! That's gotta hurt.
Other than that, it was really tedium to the max. My love was away doing her craft show, she is a phenomenal free hand artist, by the way, so we didn't get to see much of each other. That bites.
The Christmas rush is in full swing too. Ventured out to a number of venues this day and was amazed at how many people didn't have to work today. This being the first back to work day after a Nationally recognized ' vacation ' day. Rememberance day.
My Dad is a veteran of WWII so this day has signifigance for me. He was in the navy aboard the HMCS Skeena, which made 32 crossings of the Atlantic from St. Johns Newfoundland, to London England, escorting supply ships, troop carriers, ...etc. He joined at the ripe old age of 17. Tough way to enter manhood if you ask me. HMCS stands for Her Majestys' Canadian Service for you non-nautical types. I am surrounded by water, so it is somewhat imperative that I know these things.
Hark, Hail, Avast, and all that seafaring jargon. Fore, Aft, Bow, Stern, midships, yadda yadda yadda...
Have I impressed yet? Didn't think so.
Suffering considerably from weather induced depression, me thinks. Not my normal whimsical self these days, so not prone to write as much. Just wanted to clear some brain webs of the mind dust. Fair weather to ye all, and may the wind be in your sails and the sun be on your back.